# Improving Fingered Thirds in Paganini First, fingered thirds can be hard to wrap your mind around if you aren’t used to them. Second, this is a fast passage. But the real challenge with this passage is the fingering changes in order to make the passage even __playable__: - switching the fingering from the usual thumb-2 1-3 pattern to thumb-3 1-4 mid passage - and then switching to thumb-2 1-4 again in the same passage - __and__ adding in 0-1 - the double stops right before the arpeggio are very awkward ## Practice Strategies Some of the practice strategies that I’m using: - trills - playing at tempo in chunks, and gradually increasing the size of the chunks - siren: good for maintaining shape throughout passage - scales both directions --- Random thought at 12:20 — Dwayne Johnson was the bad guy in Get Smart Playthroughs at 18:20 and 19:05 ![](https://youtu.be/f4ZQilVB2zw)