# The Bow Hold
To find the natural spacing of your fingers in the right hand:
1. Hold your right forearm parallel to the floor
2. Relax your hand and let it dangle
![[20230917184733 Finger Spacing.jpg]]
When holding the bow, bring your thumb and middle finger together. This positioning should be maintained as closely as possible during play.
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| ![[20230917185321 Thumb and Middle Finger.jpg]] | ![[20230917185335 Thumb and Middle Finger.jpg]] | ![[20230917185340 Thumb and Middle Finger.jpg]] |
- The thumb should be kept straight but not tense when holding the bow.
- Whether the thumb more curved or straight depends on the size of the object we are holding.
- When **grabbing** a large object, such as a water bottle, our fingers tend to curl around it. When **pulling** a thin object, such as paper, the thumb tends to be straighter.
- Treat the bow as a thin object that we pull. So keep the thumb straight.
- You would have to go out of your way to curl your fingers when pulling a book.
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| ![[20230917190451 Grabbing a Water Bottle.jpg]] | ![[20230917190456 Pulling a Book.jpg]] | ![[20230917190500 Pulling a Book in an Unnatural Way.jpg]] |
Practice bow holding using a pencil, as it mimics a smaller version of the bow-stick.
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| ![[20230917213838 Pencil Bow Hold.jpg]] | ![[20230917213842 Pencil Bow Hold.jpg]] |
| ![[20230917213846 Pencil Bow Hold.jpg]] | ![[20230917213849 Pencil Bow Hold.jpg]] |
- you should feel that you are holding the bow in your fingertips
- the bow rests on your thumb for cello and more on your middle finger for violin; do not let it rest on the strings when you are playing
- your first finger should be passive and resting on the stick at the joint
- your thumb and middle finger are opposite each other and should be touching
- your pinky should be **very nearly** on top of the stick
- the advantage of putting it **directly** on top of the stick is that it is very easy to maintain a feeling of balance
- George Neikrug placed his pinky **just a little lower** so that he could manipulate the bow much better; more on this later
![[20230917214519 Neikrug.jpg]]